Posts tagged cottage garden
Spring 2023 - April, May & June

Spring is nearly gone by, just like that we are just about to turn the corner into summer. There is quite a lot of energy in the atmosphere in June, the verdant green of spring still lingers, plants growing up seemingly over night, the long evenings and early mornings. But there is a softness to it as well, we are not in the hot, heavy days of July and August, things are still fresh. 

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Years End: November & December 2022

Today is bright and clear, but cold, winter has firmly settled in, inside the logs crackle in the wood stove as we linger a bit longer around its radiance. Outside, the world sparkles in the the early morning light, a lacy frost stretching across the sedum seed heads and fallen leaves, an icy crust crunching underfoot all throughout the garden. 

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July / August 2022

It is early August and early in the morning, the sky is still waking up and a faint mist is in the air. Looking about the garden, walking here and there, I am planning for fall and beginning to sow the last crops to go in the veg garden. It is hard to believe we have come to August, the we are at the tail end of the growing season, now we are counting weeks to the first frost, where just 3 month back we were moving tender plants out in the garden.

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May & June 2022

June, what a lovely month is June, it has the warmth and fullness of summer, but the softness of spring and the greens are still so fresh and vibrant. It is late spring, it is summer before the heat. The days stretch out before us, the honey bees cover the catmint and creeping thyme, hummingbirds can be seen darting here and there around the garden, the magnificent peonies are blooming along with the spires of foxgloves and bobbles of Alliums.

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