Posts in Plant Spotlight
Plant Spotlight: Asian Pear

One of my favorite fruit trees we grow are our two Asian Pears. They began blooming about a week ago, and I would say they are in their peak bloom as I write. They have the classic, delicate pear blossom, with bright green leaf growth following behind, then in September, delicious orb shaped pears hang from the boughs.

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Creating a Year Round Garden: Spring Bulbs

For this month plant spotlight I wanted to highlight Bulbs!

Now, to be fair, I am not really highlighting a single plant, but a number of plant, but I couldn’t pick just one. Because there really is no equal to seeing the bulbs come up in the later winter / early spring, at times even through bits of snow. Their presence in the a garden can carry that garden while other perennials are still waking up and annuals are not ready to put out. If you have ever come across a bed full of snow drops or crocus then you know what I mean, they transform the early spring garden.

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Creating a Year Round Garden: The evergreen hedge

The winter garden depends on good evergreens, for their structure, their obvious greeness, and the host of life they bring to the garden even in our coldest months. They are without a doubt crucial in the winter, but they are just as important in the summer, but they move to the back then, letting other players take center stage. I have come to realize their sculptural structure shouldn’t be under valued in any season.

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