2024: Year in Review

Happy New Year Friends! 

And burr! 

From my desk, I have views out into our front entry garden and views  looking up on the front meadow slopes. The grasses and various perennial seed head are being battered about by a frigid wind that makes it look downright inhospitable out there! But here I sit, quite snug, the wood stove suffusing warmth throughout the house, a cup of tea close at hand and the quiet calm of the house post Christmas and school holidays. 

Looking back on 2024, specifically thinking about the garden, I realize we did quite a bit of work, somehow, fitting it in here and there between the business and the rest of life. 

Of course I am always editing the garden, add this, dividing and moving that, trying this here, changing directions over there, etc. And equally some amount of stonework is always done, added, modified, you know… Our garden is our shared great work that is never actually done, but always in process, always being worked and reworked. 

But one thing I realized when looking back, is that somehow, with all the doing of the work (and then of course the rest of living ones own life) I find I jotted only a few hasty lines wrote in my garden journal, recorded very little of the happenings in and around the garden, and took only a handful of photos of the garden over the course of the year (and somewhat embarrassing, wrote just one blog post).

So, here is a little photo round up of a year in our garden, a little glimpse in the arc of the seasons around here. Nothing much to read, just a quick scroll through 12 months in the garden.

And heres to being better about taking pictures of the garden throughout the seasons, about recording things in the garden log, about taking time to think and put pencil to paper, and then ultimately just to sitting about soaking in the garden, in all the seasons! 




