Looking back and Ahead


Welcome to the Modern Homestead blog!

Every January I find myself reading a lot, thinking a lot, and dreaming a lot about my gardens. It feels simultaneously a time of reflection and introspection as well as a time dreaming and planning. That is why I love the Roman myth about the god Janus, who was thought that January was named for (but I guess it is also said that January was named for the god Juno). Janus, fittingly is the god of reflection, of new beginnings, doorways /gates, time and transitions. Often depicted as having two faces, the back of his head is the face of an old man, and the face of a young man looking forward. Symbolizing the balance between the past and future, between looking back and starting anew. I came across his story a few years back and it has really impacted how I approach the month of January.

In the spirit of reflection and planning…

We have been knocking our heads together since the start of the new year trying to decide how we can better share both our work and more informational / educational content with those who might be interest (which who knows how many that will be). We have relied a lot on instagram over the past few years to show our work, both process and finished pieces. In some ways instagram works well for this, however in others, not so much. And Johnny and I have both felt the drain that social media can be, we just aren’t convinced that the benefits we get from it are work the negative aspects, at least in our own lives. With instagrams last privacy update giving them access to your phone (contact lists, microphone, camera, data, etc. even when app isn’t running), we just didn’t really want to give over all of our privacy to them, again, that is just not worth it for us. We want to move away from social media and find other and more diverse ways to get our work out there and connect with people in our community and to be apart of building community. We aren’t going to disappear from social media instantly, we are just going to pull back a bit and focus more elsewhere.

To that end….

We have the best intentions / new years resolutions to keep a blog and a newsletter in 2021!

We want to share some things with you each month, projects we have in the works, tips for your gardens, monthly jobs to do in the garden and highlighting a specific plant we love growing in our own gardens, etc. We want the blog to be a resource, a place where you can stop by and lean something about creating, growing or maintaining your homestead. And we want the newsletter to be a way to access the blog and send out announcements about plant sales and workshops.

If you haven’t already you can sign up for the newsletter on the website. Happy garden dreaming!